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更新时间:2025-03-03 11:02:15
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1. Heightened environmental concerns are reshaping the nation's approach to economic and social development, pressuring Chinese companies to manage environmental impact as effectively as other business operations.

2. Due to environmental concerns, more cities are forbidding burning coal for heating.

3. Mainstreaming environmental concerns in the trade regime would lead to global policy coherence.

4. It is common sense that environmental concerns such as water conservancy must be the top priority in urban tree and grass planting.

5. The first phase was scheduled to be completed in 2010, but environmental concerns and resettlement issues have pushed the completion date to 2014.

6. Environmental concerns and business interests are often championed by different movements as if the values they represent are ultimately conflicting in nature.

7. The judicial interpretation is expected to help ease concerns over environmental costs by curbing the illegal conversion of land use.

8. Bosch's corporate responsibility lies at the intersection of business and society, and environmental protection and resource conservation concerns.

9. But environmental groups were less than thrilled, expressing concerns that the ecology of the area would be adversely affected.

10. Increasing environmental concerns and rising crude oil prices are forcing countries including the United States and China to look for alternative energy resources.

1. In 2010 it will increase pressure on Sweden and Finland, both of which have raised environmental concerns.

2. The major reason for willingness about taking a sexual history was an awareness by the nursing student that the patients` illness was related to their sexual history. Three major reasons for unwillingness about taking a sexual history were: nursing students` personal concerns, patient factors and environmental factors.

3. In the spent fuel reprocessing process and for the environmental concerns, very strict control is required for determination of neptunium.

4. Deal with concerns and questions about the environmental aspect s of the organization's activities


5. With the increasing of widely polluted environmental concerns and health risks associated with the use of synthetic chemical insecticides, research and development of mycoinsecticide have been paid much attention to.

6. Danfoss is famous for promoting applicat ions of advanced technology and concerns about energy saving and environmental protection.

7. In the past few years, the world gradually concerns about environmental issues. In the mechanical aspect, the related 3C products develop toward lightweight, thin, short and small features.

8. Theoretical model of well-being sense is the basis and the end of measurement tools. Subjective well-being sense is the main paradigms of well-being research, focusing on happy experience, including life satisfaction, positive emotions and negative emotions. The other two well-being research include Ryff's theoretical model of psychological well-being sense and multi-dimensional psychological well-being questionnaire concerning about the mental health, including self-acceptance, environmental mastery, positive relationship with others, purpose in life, personal growth and autonomy. Keyes'theoretical model of social well-being sense and its measurement tools, including social acceptance, social actualization, social contribution, social coherence, social integration, concerns the individual challenges faced in society.

9. She expressed her concerns for the social disadvantaged groups with her art by serving multiple social positions such as the Image Ambassador of Paralympic Games, Director of China Environmental Culture Promotion Association, social inspector appointed by quality inspection bureaus, and artistic director of China Art Troupe of the Handicapped.


10. In response to concerns about energy cost, energy dependence, and environmental pollution, a rekindling of intere...

11. But today, as China races to finish the fourth dam for generating electricity on the upper reaches of south-east Asia's biggest river, concerns about possible environmental impacts in the region are rising fast.


12. One of the main design concerns was the building`s environmental adaptation and appropriation.

13. With the rapid development of lithium batteries as well as energy and environmental concerns, people have being high demands on lithium ion secondary batteries.


14. In China, Staples carries on and enriches the easy brand promise: `We make buying office products easy.` and with its state-of-the-art technology, environmental concerns and focus on people, Staples is introducing to China brand new concepts concerning office products purchasing.


15. The environmental criminal law is one of the branches of the criminal law, also is the object which criminal jurisprudence concerns.

16. All of the waste is believed to be low level and are unlikely to cause significant environmental or health concerns.

17. China has begun to restrict the mining and production of refractory clay and fluorite over concerns about reserves decreasing and environmental pollution, the central government's website said Sunday.

18. This is not only because tele-immersion will become better and cheaper but because air travel will face limits to growth because of safety, land use and environmental concerns.


19. The objective of the study is to call for concerns of scientific design of cattle barn in order to create favorably environmental conditions for dairy cattle, and to promote health development of dairy husbandry in China.

20. The reasons include China's developing market economy, increasing concerns over energy security, a n d mounting environmental pressures.

Environmental concerns could also prove nettlesome.(对环境的关心也被可能是恼人的。)
A few years later, we began seeing ads tapping into people's environmental concerns.(几年后,我们开始看到广告宣传在利用人们对于环境的关注。)
In addition to health and environmental concerns, my primary reasons for being a vegetarian is animal rights and spirituality.(除了健康与环境方面的考虑之外,我之所以会成为素食主义者的主要原因,是动物权利以及精神状态。)
While cleaner than fossil fuels, man-made steam faces its own environmental concerns, primarily the threat of small, man-made earthquakes.(尽管比化石燃料更清洁,人造蒸汽也有自身的环境问题,主要是人为导致的小型地震的威胁。)
Sewer museum officials around Europe say they're flush with visitors now thanks in part to environmental concerns.(欧洲各个下水道博物馆的管理人员都表示,现在他们那儿是游客盈门,这在一定程度上要归功于环境问题引发的忧虑。)
A lot of environmental concerns have been raised about nuclear power plants.(核能发电厂的兴建引发了许多有关自然环境的担忧。)
In this installment and the preceding one, I've discussed environmental concerns and impacts on emergent design.(在这一期和上一期,我介绍了环境因素及其对紧急设计的影响。)
Wastefulness does not just affect a company's bottom line, it creates environmental concerns, the report says.(报告还表明浪费不仅影响到公司的基本运营,还会带来环境方面的问题。)
Perhaps more pressing, though, are environmental concerns.(不过,这些环境问题或许更为迫切。)
For all their enthusiasm, however, the prospectors face obstacles, among them regulation and environmental concerns.(这些勘探者虽然满腔热忱,但也面临诸多障碍比如开采许可规章和环境因素。)
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